The Y4…Just Listen

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All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by 15 October 2021 23:59 AEDT


Do you love to play your music loud enough to dance around your loungeroom and let your hair down at the end of the day but worry that it will upset the neighbours?
Electrostatic speakers deliver a clean sound along with very low noise transference through walls, making them perfect for city and apartment living.

Are you particular about design and beauty in your home but have no solution to the ugly, masculine looking speakers that have to sit prominently around your house in order to have great sound for your music or tv?
The Y4 team have created a bookshelf sized, lightweight, low cost, ultra low distortion, high output, semi “see through”, 5 mm thick electrostatic speaker.

Do you miss all the beautiful sounds and vocals that you hear in live music but don’t hear when playing at home on your old sound system?
Most sounds files are recorded in stereo, bunching up all the instruments, voices and sound effects together into 2 tracks which go to the left and right speakers. Because of this method of recording, you don’t hear many of the less dominant sounds and voices as they are overpowered by the more dominant sounds.
The Y4 separates these multiple sounds into individual tracks and delivers them to the speakers resembling the direction they were originally recorded from, creating the experience of true surround sound, even if the audio was recorded in stereo.
Listening to your favourite songs or movies on the Y4 will give you a similarly immersive experience as listening to them live; every instrument, every vocal, every percussion, every footstep, every car chase and every gun shot will have you ducking for cover or dancing to your moves.

Are you tired of old technology that requires you to sit in the middle of the room to get the best sound?
Because of the way sound waves are projected from normal speakers, only the person sitting in the centre of the room hears the clarity and balance of all the sounds (the sweet spot). Sitters to the left and right of the room will hear more of some sounds and less of others depending on their position to the speakers. The Y4 creates a stable, holographic audio image so that every person in the room is in the “Sweet spot”.

Are you ready to upgrade from old technology that makes the sound next to the speaker louder than it is in the rest of the room?
The Y4 speakers distribute sound in such a way that you can put your ear up next to the speakers at full volume and the sound is no louder than it is in the middle or the furthest point of the room.

The Y4 home audio technology brings you the first breakthrough in sound since surround sound was invented in the 1980s.

After listening to music or movies through the Y4 you will realise just how many sounds you miss on the old technology in your current sound system.

This exciting new technology about to be globally launched was invented right here in Melbourne Australia.

The most immersive, richest, quality sound available in the world today. A technological breakthrough of sheer genius.


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