The Positivity Movement- Spreading Positivity

Pledged of AU$1000.00
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All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by 25 September 2021 23:59 AEDT


About us - The Positivity Movement strives to make this world a better place by raising awareness for Mental Health and Disability and by joining and helping others in being kind, grateful and positive. Whether it is one-on-one or in a group setting, we vow to spread positivity every day and help you Find Your Joy.

Our goal is to create a community and provide an encouraging environment where you can unlock your passions in life and empathy for others. It is okay not to be okay – seeking guidance and help can be hard but we make it easy!

Our team consists of like-minded legends who have set out to spread positivity and help others be their best and reach their goals. We all have had different experiences in life – successes, failures, ups, downs, triumphs and sometimes tragedies – however, we share the same outlook and motives in life: be the best version of ourselves we can be and to help others.

We will also be selling Positive apparel and bracelets to raise more awareness. $1 from every positivity bracelet sold will go back into funding  free activities during groups within the community.

Felicity’s StoryMy name is Felicity and I am the Founder of The Positivity Movement. I have always known since I was a young girl that I wanted to have a positive impact on this world by helping others. From a young age I dealt with anxiety throughout my day to day life. Although I seemed like a very happy girl on the outside, on the inside I was very insecure, anxious and always comparing my life to others, never really being proud of my own accomplishments.  I have always strived to the best I could be, but it was never good enough. When I was 19 my life seemed to be going well until the loss of my grandmother who was my biggest motivation in life. During my grieving process I drank excessively and even experimented with drugs leading me one night to my suicidal attempt with pharmaceutical and recreational drugs. I couldn’timagine a life worth living, but after that day I battled everyday to make my life better.

I spent years on Anti-Depressants, Anxiety Medication and Sleeping tablets. I used alcohol as a coping mechanism at a young age and unfortunately this became a toxic routine for me throughout my early twenties.

In 2016 I saw a TV commercial for the TV show Survivor. Having been a huge fan of the game and show, I knew that putting myself in an Environment like Survivor would test me physically and mentally and be the biggest and best challenge of my life.  I was in an environment that was completely out of my comfort zone. I had to overcome every single fear in my life coming down to the social elements, physical elements and learning more about myself then I ever could have imagined. After my first time competing on Survivor I found a new purpose on life. I knew I was here to make a difference and share my story. I then studied my Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Support along and along with plenty of life experience I began my journey of being a Support Worker and Life Coach helping others “Find Your Joy”.

We all have a journey, everyone’s journey in life is different but we all have had our hardships and difficulties, every single person. I realised that everything that I had to go through in life was for a reason, to make me stronger, a more empathetic human being, and for that I am grateful. I always felt ashamed to tell my story but I am now proud to share it, knowing that I have been through some of the most difficult times and come through on the other side and hoping to inspire others that they too can do the same. I hope to pass my Hope on through into The Positivity Movement. That no matter what we go through in life, we can overcome our challenges and life a fulfilled happy life.

We should never ever have to feel ashamed to talk to someone about our problems.

We sometimes live our lives in constant fear of trying to be better, do better, and finding our inner joy. We can sometimes get lost in the moments, living our lives in the past, or living in fear of the future. But we need to learn to live in the now, we need to learn to love our life and harness the energy we have, the journey we have been on and turn that into a positive force to create a positive change. 

My journey has led me to where I am today and for that I amGRATEFUL. I have the opportunity now to help others, inspire and give them hope and that is more than I ever could of asked for.

I hope that sharing just a glimpse of mystory has helped you, whether you right now are going through a hard time, or know of someone that is. The most important message of all is that we need to be supportive of one another, listen, talk, and create the change in Mental Health that desperately needs to be made. 

You are beautiful, you are loved, and you can do this! 

“In honour of Joyce Due (Find your JOY) and Alysha Hedges. Both two incredible women who have inspired me even more to spread the positivity and help others just like they did throughout their lives.” Felicity Egginton 


Help Making A Positive Change In The World - $30.00

Backer Count: 17

For every $30 - I will send you a personalised thank you note.

For every good deed you do in the world, you are helping make this world a better place for everyone in it. This donation is about making you feel better about making a difference. THANK YOU!

Thank you video and shoutout on social media - $100.00

Backer Count: 0
For every $100 - I will send you a personalised thank you video, plus a shoutout on social media! For every good deed you do in the world, you are helping make this world a better place for everyone in it. This donation is about making you feel better about making a difference, and I will thank you by send you a personalised thank you video and do a shoutout for you on social media.

The Positivity Movement Shirt + Thank you video + Shoutout on Social Media - $150.00

Backer Count: 3
For every $150 - You will get one of our Positivity Movement Shirts, together with a personalised thank you video, and a shoutout on social media! Be the first one to get our Positivity Movement Shirts - we've got heaps of design to match your style. We will reach out to collect your preferred style and size once we reached our funding goal. Help us make this happen, so we can together help making this world a better place for everyone in it. THANK YOU!

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