Hormones With Hats – It is alarming when we see reports on children hurting, either through images or messages seen on social media aimed at a child or children, this may lead to self-harm, even suicide, or hear of bullying, substance abuse, underage sex and alcohol intake. We do have the power to help our children, and that is through education. Having taught sex education for three years, I knew the information I was teaching was not complete, there were gaps and swathes of information missing, but I didn’t know what! Over two years ago, I started writing the first puberty book, Rosie, and I wasn’t happy. This led to digging deep into many peer-reviewed medical papers and then the realisation, it was hormones that was missing in Puberty Education! And, then the fun begun, the question I asked myself, how can I make a chemical chain look exciting and gain the interest of the children? So, the doodling started, the shape of the growth hormone came into vision as I drew on the computer, very un-inspiring to begin with! Then I drew more shapes of the same hormone as the growth hormone, then for some reason, I started putting the hats on the hormones, the rest is, as they say, ‘History!’
The Mission is to take Puberty Education to every school in Australia and then into our world.
Every child is special and every child deserves to be protected and educated and given the knowledge of how their body works.
Our Ask
The books and education packages are ready to go. We need financial support to move these packages into schools. However, schools will not know about the existence of the Puberty Packages, if we cannot market to them. We therefore, are asking our backers for their support and the help to raise $60,000 to make this happen. Our main objective is marketing and making direct contact to all schools in Australia, and to do that, we need your help!
Puberty Education for Our Teens - Hormones With Hats - $500.00
Each donation of $150 will help us to spread the knowledge. With each donation, we will send you a Puberty Book. The money will help us to spread the knowledge of how hormones work in the body which brings about puberty; this will help to keep our teens safe and help us to promote the course into every school in Australia.
Stretch Goals
Puberty, Online Education for World Our Teens- $2000000.00
Puberty, Online Education For Our World Teens.
Puberty, Online Education- $2000000.00
Having taught sex education for three years, I knew there is a missing link while teaching the puberty lessons! That missing link is how hormones work in the body to bring about puberty. For the last two years I have worked on the four teens’ books, and am now just about to finish the supporting parents’ book.
To say to young people, this lesson is about hormones, many young people would literally, ‘switch off”, after all, hormones, by description, are a combined chain of molecules that make a hormone, and no young person would be interested in seeing a chemical chain on the chalkboard! As I doodled, the ‘Hormones With Hats’ emerged!
I love to write, but I also like to have fun when I’m writing, and I like to give to my readers’ not only knowledge, but the fun and excitement of learning, and herein lies my secret of the journey, and now I can introduce the world to ‘Hormones With Hats’. Christine
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