DEIR (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Retention) is a jobs board designed by women for women in STEM, including women of colour and women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds as they experience over four times higher unemployment rates.
iSTEM Co. is a talent-sourcing, consulting and research company that enables the employment and retention of women in STEM via partnerships with STEM organisations. Since its establishment, iSTEM Co. has gained significant recognition in its quest to promote employment for women in STEM. Notably among iSTEM Co.’s achievements, is being the winner of the Victoria University 2022 BETA Pre-Accelerator Award, aimed at encouraging innovative business ideas. Also, iSTEM Co. collaborated with Victoria University to host the first-ever in-person careers fair for women and women of colour in STEM having over ten companies represented and providing about 20 job opportunities. In addition, iSTEM Co. has recently been nominated as a finalist for the 2022 Digital Workforce Skills for the Future awards.

The STEM sector plays an important role in the Australian economy and is critical for innovation and creating new jobs. The Department of Education, Skills and Employment has identified that STEM jobs are growing twice as fast as other jobs. However, STEM employers have more difficulty recruiting for STEM jobs (56%) than others (41%). Despite this, women of colour (WoC) in STEM struggle to access STEM jobs. Of all university-qualified women in STEM, unemployment of overseas-born Australian citizens/PR is 14.1%, compared with 3.3% for those who are Australian-born. Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women have a significantly lower workforce participation rate than CALD men (47.3% and 69.5%, respectively) and all women (59.2%). Cultural barriers, gender bias, racial bias and lack of support are the main contributing factors resulting in the higher unemployment rates.

iSTEM Co.’s mission is to resolve these issues and improve the statistics of women in STEM, especially for women of colour and women from CALD backgrounds. According to the Chief Scientist Report (2020), “the statistics for women in the STEM workforce in Australia is at 29% with women of colour experiencing over four times unemployment rates despite constituting 56% of University qualified female graduates”. It is disheartening that despite the qualifications of these women, they remain unemployed in a sector that is struggling with the skills shortage. The statistics are shocking as data also shows that there were over 200,000 vacant roles in STEM within Australia in 2019, which would have increased due to the pandemic. Also, data shows that the Australian economy would grow by $25 billion if more women were supported to work. Cultural barriers, gender bias, racial bias and lack of support are the main contributing factors resulting in the higher unemployment rates. iSTEM Co.’s mission is to resolve these issues and improve the statistics of women in STEM, especially for women of colour and women from CALD backgrounds.
iSTEM Co. has featured jobs on our website but is looking to automate this process by creating the DEIR jobs board dedicated to sourcing talents for employers and job searches for women in STEM. Designing the DEIR jobs board will be a game changer in the STEM sector, improving women’s visibility in STEM-seeking employment, and making it easier for employers to find the right candidates. The jobs board will also support employers in eliminating bias in recruitment, such as name bias and gender discrimination. In addition, the DEIR jobs board will provide the salary for every job posted, ensuring employers are ethical and transparent. This will improve the gender pay gap in return.
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